Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Campus Event

I have attended several events since coming to BW, football games, global friends hour, concerts, the homecoming pep rally, and many more. I try to always stay on top of things that are going on and to participate in events that interest me.

One event that I particularly enjoyed was the theatre performance of Peter Pan. This event was the production of J.M. Barrie's classic story of Peter Pan as portrayed by  Baldwin-Wallace students on October 10-14. This show was wonderfully put together with a great, hardworking and dedicated cast, a beautiful set and an energetic story.

Immediately upon entering the theatre, I was taken back by the marvelous construction of the set, that was able to function as so many settings within the story. As soon as the actors stepped onto the stage the show was engaging and entertaining for its entire length. As a seasoned audience member, I never once lost focus of the story although I was aware that the long run time was getting to some of my fellow audience members. I also have to applaud the actors and actresses for their excellent use of a British accent although, as a but of an anglophile I could tell those whom had a great deal of practice and experience from those who did not.  

Over all I enjoyed the event, and the sold out shows certainly stands to show that the BW community supports their theatre program and performers. I was very excited to be sitting with so many of my fellow students supporting my peers. I strongly recommend that everyone attend the performances they put on, they are a great night out and free to BW students!!!!!! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Student Organization

I have become a member of the Harry Potter Appreciation club. The purpose of this club is for fans of the books and movies to gather and discuss their feelings, ideas, and outlooks on everything Harry Potter. I have attended five meetings so far. Each week they are held on Friday from 5pm-6pm in Sandstone 2. In these meetings we have had several activities such as: HP Pictionary, Potter Puppet Pals marathon, character discussion, and of course getting to know each other by favorite characters, books, movies, and more. These meetings allow the members to have somewhere to go and just get nerdy for a while. It is a well run, yet casual organization that makes all its members feel welcome. People are always welcome to join, and I am honored to be a part of this club.

Monday, October 1, 2012

My Finances

Since I have been at college I have tried to stick to s pretty strict budget. I have a daily limit for myself on my jacket express that culminates to a weekly budget that includes laundry and vending machine purchases. So far I have stuck to that exactly, just hope I can keep doing it.
Even though I follow this budget, I have definitely spent more of my own money than I had expected. I get groceries about every two week and I keep finding things that I have forgotten or things that I really want and I usually cave and get something I don't really need.
I would say so far I have spent most of my money on food, but clothes is second.
So far, I'd say my spending habits have been fine, I don't plan to change anything just stay on track as I am right now.