Monday, October 1, 2012

My Finances

Since I have been at college I have tried to stick to s pretty strict budget. I have a daily limit for myself on my jacket express that culminates to a weekly budget that includes laundry and vending machine purchases. So far I have stuck to that exactly, just hope I can keep doing it.
Even though I follow this budget, I have definitely spent more of my own money than I had expected. I get groceries about every two week and I keep finding things that I have forgotten or things that I really want and I usually cave and get something I don't really need.
I would say so far I have spent most of my money on food, but clothes is second.
So far, I'd say my spending habits have been fine, I don't plan to change anything just stay on track as I am right now.


  1. Most of my money is spent on food too but clothes is a close second! Especially with the mall being just ten minutes away.

  2. There's a mall 10 minutes away? Do they have a sporting goods store?
